It's Complicated.... PLEASE Actually Read - 56

Posted : Wednesday, January 08, 2025 06:01 PM | 11 views

Let me preface by saying this is probably a waste of time as I have discovered, most people are a--holes. Myself included. The best we can hope for is our demons are compatible. Can we put up with each others vices/crap? If so, there is hope! Hello, this is Carolyn in Raytown. So you will know up front I am the same Carolyn in Body rub in Kansas city. I am only mentioning that so you know in case that bothers you. It pays the bills and I'm not much of a "player"in real life AND I don't get Government/state funded anything. If you do, understand I am not judging, just jealous mainly. I would love, LOVE, love not to have to worry about the future and work so hard and at times deal with fools. IF you want an appointment for the body rub, please check out THOSE ads, THIS is separate from that, NOTHING I am saying here pertains to that. That is work, this is personal. . "" I did this again on an impulse because I am fed up, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. I have placed ads before but NOT so direct. It may actually be a surprise. I am seeking a platonic relationship with a gentleman to go to Dinner, Union Station, Nelsons art Gallery, nerdy things like opera, Science City etc.I like speeches, Politics, Ghost hunting, walks,antiques, swap shops, nature,animals, paranormal studies comedy etc. Even as semi-antique as I am, I WOULD HAVE ENOUGH F Buddies [if that's all I wanted, which I DO NOT] I am NOT in any way prudish. It's just I have seen the physical aspect literally ruin couples. Cheating on each other, porn,crazy addictions etc and I feel IF you are willing to be a friend first, we can have a real relationship with substance. A friend with a sense of humor is a significant plus. You will probably need one to deal with me! This is NOT a bad thing but I can't handle hunters.. I have several rescue cats.It will not set well with you when I spend an hour capturing and releasing a spider. Let's NOT cause each other that grief. Although I am ALL for "conceal and carry" You don't have to be a manly gator wrestling, proud man card carrying chap in my world. That chapter has closed. Not that I want to watch Oprah with you or hear you admit you vote Democrat but peace and patience are good. That line was intended to be funny by the way. Someone will be p*ssed I bet! .Although I consider myself Spiritual, a fundamentalist Bible student may disapprove. Currently taking a class in Paranormal investigations and parapsychology. I don't play well with atheists Life is tough and often unfair [seemingly] but atheists seem to have a hole in their soul [or where it would be if they had one] They depress the Hell out of me [if they could locate it] 40plus only, although I am flattered beyond belief with the attention of younger. Like the pics you send too but after a roll my tongue back in my mouth, realize we are in different places, I no longer drink alcohol very often [health issues] but I don't judge if you get to do it. Other vices okay but please, no serious addictions. Please be sincere because I am not above background checks.However, also not looking for perfection! Just no wives,warrants or pictures in the post office. What I want is a good friend that is loyal Harder to find than it should be, If you are out there, please write me something about you as opposed to calling.Also I AM IN KANSAS CITY I NEED to mention, please be single.Open to possibilities if they appear, not that it means everything if we are just being friends, I do not want surprise visits to my home from wives/girlfriends plus it's JUST bad karma that never ends well... Everyone gets hurt on some level craigslist springfield com,craigslist arnold mo,skipthegames springfield missouri,listcrawler missouri,skipthegameslakecharles,springfield mo asian massage,animal control raytown,pornstars from missouri,shemale eacort near me,craigslist jobs in joplin mo
  • Post ID : 4685650
  • Poster's age : 26
  • City : Springfield
  • Address : Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis