Fri 10 Jan
★ ☆ •••►MY BODY ★ IS YOUR ☆ ( ( ( ••► P L A Y G R O U N D ◄•• ) ) )★ ☆ - 22 - 22
H—O—T— •*° N-E-W *~ * —super—— •*° •*° ———— SEXXY —————— •*° ———— BABE - 21
(Springfield, discreet incall location ★:•:)
Dirty Blonde ❤️ Hottie with a Body ❤️ Massage/Full Service Provider ❤️ Local & Trusted - 29
(Springfield, Springfield I 44)
♋🍭NaUgHtY schoolGIRL🌞🌛Booking OVERNIGHT visits �🌞⏺ 🍓 Brittney🍓((305-709-3104)) - 25
(South Springfield, Springfield)
oX ___GoRgEoUs___ ( *ExOtiC* )___ E.x.T.r.A N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ___ ( *1OO% REAL* )____ - 20
(Springfield, Springfeild/Frt.Wood area)
Petite Young 🍒Sweetheart---✅ FORT WOOD✅ student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(Saint Robert Ft Wood, Springfield)
(_!_)all natural redhead ball of "f¥re"(_!_)☆new pics☆*incall/outcall* - 38
(Springfield, Springfield{in/out})
$100 SPECIALS ----"ToUcH M" Tŧ M SÕ MÅNY CHÕICS but NÕN LIK M" 36 DD = - 26
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD MO)
ASK ABOUT TWO GIRL SPECIALS!!! ★'BEST of the BEST ° (( outcall specials )) - 21
(Springfield, springfield OUTCALL)
Xoxo~~~ SwEeT * NiKkI * ~iS aLl u CoUlD aSk 4*iN a WoMaN~~100% real~~~xoxO - 26
(Springfield, SPFD in/out)
LETS PLAY !! Hot Sexy & Fun !! 100% Real Girl ! Real Photos - 38
WELL Reviewed ★ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤Sexy █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ll ▄ ▃ ▂ ★♥BUSTY ♥★ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Sassy & Classy ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ★ - 24
(Springfield, S-Field (in call location)OUT Call)
Your Dreams Become Reality Today
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
UnFoRgEttAbLe ★GoRgEoUs☆ StuNNiNg ♥ SiMpLyAmAziNg♥ HAppY HoUr EvEniNg SpEciALz 4-9pM! - 27
(Springfield, SFLD ArEa♥In/OuTcaLL♥)
*sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy * 100 iN & 180 OuT sPeCiAL - 28
(Springfield, South Springfield Incall/Outcalls)
★█♥▒♥█★ S=T=U=N=N=I=N=G ★█♥▒♥█★ H=O=T ★█♥▒♥█★ E=X=O=T=I=C ★█♥▒♥█★ G=0=D=E=S=S= ★█♥▒♥█★ - 26
(Springfield, springfield mo)
🎄 ⛄ ❄ Let ME ride YOUR Sleigh Baby❄ ⛄ 🎄 Reviewed Hottie ❄ ⛄ 🎄 - 28
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding In/Out)
LEAViNG SoOn! Busty Beauty With Legs For Days!! Late Night/EarlyAM SPECiALS!!! REViEWED! - 27
(Springfield, In/Out)
**Let me show you what the best feels like **
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, anywhere you want me!)
💘💘❤️▬MAKE ME PUrrRRR❤️ ▬ ❤️====__BLONDE " Freshly Shaved" KiTTEN😜 ❤️ READY TO PLAY💘💘 specials - 22
(Kansas City, Independence downtown Kcmo, I travel!!)
➖👯 All NATURAL 👯 ➖➖.ღ. HiGHLY SkiLLEd .ღ. ➖➖☆ ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous ✰➖➖💋 - 100% all Me - 29
(Springfield, springfield,and surrounding)
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, Online)
∬ A _T_ T_ E_ N_T_ I_ O_ N ∬Ft. Wood❀ PETITE Hardcore GODDESS AR!ON - 19
(Springfield, ♥ FLW ♥ ST ROBERT incall)
💣💯👑c0m3 LeT KiRsTiE eAsE yOuR mInD✔💎👑4175450743 incall or outcall - 23
(anywhere u need me, Springfield)
_ __S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•UPSCALE__ H_O_T_T_I_E ____+ A +___ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E - 21
(Springfield, North Springffield your place or mine)
call 📞 savannah now 417 two three four 0 seven 1 five an adventure youll never forget. - 21
(Springfield, earth)
:*¨¨*Brand New Petite Brunette Bombshell DONTMISSME*: - 25
(Springfield, Springfield and Surrounding Areas)
::CLiCK HERe:: ►► ~ SMoKe'N *H O T* THICK BrUnEtTe PlaY~MaTe__80 Special - 22
(Springfield/ Surrounding Areas)
_--*--_ Big Booty _--*--_ Thick Thighs _--*--_ iNDePeNDeNT _ --*--_ CaRAMeL FreAk _ --*-- - 25
(Springfield, Springfield In/Out..)
BUlLT➋ PLEASE👌♚ βrυπεττε Cυτiε w/ α βσστγ ♚╠╣αNDS Down T╠╣e BEST ArⓞuN★ωεℓℓ ʀɛɤɪɛωεɗ Cαℓℓ➜80 InCaLL - 30
(Springfield, North Spfd Incall/Outcalls 24/7-80Incall)
Fathers Day Specials going till 11am 70/100/135... 2girl only 175 8168661492 - 23
(Springfield, off national st/60hwy)
Thu 09 Jan
Plump Juicy round A.S.S. & Talents You'll Never 4get ! Let Me Show U How Good I can make u feel - 22
(Springfield, INCALL)