Mon 27 Jan
◤♥◢ [SmOKiN hOt -CLICK HERE!!] •♥• [SWEET & PETITE] •♥•Blonde [BARBIE] ◤♥◢ - 20
(Springfield, Springfield can travel jop/bran)
💯Real 💨SMOKIN 💨 ╠╣OT X.X.X.Playmate w/👉JaW DRoP'n ToE CuRL'n SKiLLz✧80Iη¢αll👌REVIEWED &VERIFIED; - 30
(Springfield, SPFD IN/OUTCALL 24/7)
Newbie**** LOW Miles (short Ebony WELL Rounded)*****SUNDAY NOV 23 - 28
(Springfield, 65 & Battlefield)
S E X Y !!. ★ .HOTTIE•°.•____ -MUST _ SEE _ NO _ R U S H _ X O X O - 25
(Springfield, Springfield in/out)
S l Z Z L l N G ☆☆☆☆☆ SPlNNER Super SEXY ♡ STEAMING HOT REVIEWS.. try me on - 38
(Kansas City, east of stadiums)
SeXXXy 🍒SiNFuLL🍑 SwEeT 💋✔EvE✔💋 OutcallONLY ☚☚417💋894💋3160 💋EvE💋 - 28
(Serving NOW Springfield & Surrounding, Springfield)
New To The AREA ...Petite Brown Skinned Goddess - 24
(Springfield, By Msu/spring field &/ FLW 8/7-8/9 Visit)
¿ New Vegas College SweetHea®t ¿ ₩ÅtÇh ME MaKe MyseLf .... Super Bowl Sunday SpeciaLs - 25
(Springfield, Springfield outcalls)
Hottest Girl N Town!!Sure to make your love come down NEW purfect girlfriend TIFF sexy N xtra petite - 21
(Springfield, ft wood st robert)
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
GONE TO KC MO __ Goddess TANTRA ~ Most men say you wouldn't think this would FEEL so GOOD - 99
I am new to Springfield & BP from Texas.. Love older gentlemen - 26
(Incall or outcall, Springfield)
💄💦🍭🍬E_b_o_n_y 👀Candy 🍫 h_o_t J u i c y $100 quick specials 500 overnight🍑💦 🐾b_o_o_k now‼️Outcall spec - 22
(Kansas City, Near stadiums)
i'll give you time you won't forget 618-855-5817 - 24
Sun 12 Jan
❪❧❫✷✓ℜayne✓ 5✰ Service ❤ Model Face ❤ Bangin Body ✷RTP REVIEWED❪❧❫ - 24
(Airport/Private Residence (INCALLS), St. Louis)
busty all natural sweetness! pure bliss & kinky fun awaits!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
Sat 11 Jan
2 Sexy 💣Thick 💣2 Exotic 💣 2 Brunette's 💣 2 Girls Miss S💦Q💦U💦I💦R💦T💦 & Makayla - 26
(Springfeild Mt. Vernon, Springfield)
🌺💖💙💟💝💗 ══ New Girl In Town ══💙🌺💙══ 💙💖🌺 - 34
(In/Out, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Springfield, St. Louis)
Unforgettable Personality & Body
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
•::•.♥•: Let Me MAKE YOUR ♥ BEAT Independent ☆ BEAUTY :•.♥•::•. - 23
(Springfield, ft. wood, st roberts)
mIsS hOnEy iS bAcK!! ReDDhOtt! $80 OuT cAll * $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
Blonde Hottie with a BODY➡Abs, Ass, & Legs➡TIGHT & TONED! 《new lingerie , c-u-m see me in it--NOW 😘》 - 28
(incall/ outcall ●Local Provider●, Springfield)
OUT CALLS UP. ALL NIGHT Number 1Thing On Your Honey Do List Is ME!!!!!!!! - 30
(Springfield, spingfield south glenstone)
Fri 10 Jan
[[ WeLL ReViEWeD]] UnFoRGeTTaBLe BruNeTTe HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs & a SeNSaUL ToUCH! - 28
(Springfield, springfield Incalls/Outcalls)
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
L(O)(O)KING 4 a QUALITY Reviewed Provider? ☎ CALL ME! WEEK END SPECIALS!! - 25
(incall..outcall all areas!)
[✔] Independent [✔] TOP Provider [✔] SPECIALS [✔] 100% ME - 22
(Springfield, Springfield / Surrounding areas)
____ I _______ N ______ C ______ R ______ E ______ D ______ I_______ B______ L ______ E - 26
2 hot & tempting Beautiful Girls. Not just for show. We R the Best Baby - 24
(Springfield, Springfield play mates)
Audriauna*20* $UNDAY MORNING $PECIAL$ for a LIMITED time only! 702-630-3477 - 20
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
DiscReet PeTiTe BrUnEtTe brOwn SkinnEd ArM CanDy WhO KnoWs how To FuLfiLL YouR eVerY FanTasY! - 19
(Springfield, Conway,StRobert,flw,Dixon,Iberia,Rolla)
Thu 09 Jan
P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thang) Hot & Ready Like Never Before !!!!!!!!!!!!! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,MO N.Glenstone/Kearney)
💋 Breαthtαking 💄 💋 Pεtitε & Sweet 💄 Girℓ Nεxt Door 💋 Visiting 💄 - 30
(Springfield, Springfield/Branson Incall/out)
💋Young ✅ Thick ✅Freaky✅ SEXY✅Brunette 🌺Molly is the Name👠READY Rite Now‼️💋 - 21
(Springfield, Springfield / Branson)
🎰JACKP🎱T!!🎰 EbOnY BeAuTy!‼️🎯 Immaculate SkiLLs🎲🎲 SuPeR sE❌y‼️⬇️2⃣🌍👠💄💋 2⃣4⃣7⃣ ☎️Call Now‼️ - 30
(Springfield, 🍒Springfield/ Branson/Ft. Wood💋)
I Promise You Won't Regret Seeing Me! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
Lets have A Fun Friday ~Sexy ~Patience~ 60$ Specials All Day :);-) BOLIVAR, MO. - 31
(Springfield, Bolivar, Mo(Private Residence))
✄ CuT OuT ThE FaKes & CaLL Me ☏ LuCiOus LiPs & MaGiC HiPs ( ( Up ALL NiGhT ) ) - 23
(Springfield * South * Incalls Only)
Wed 08 Jan
✅✅➖ GOOD GOLLY Ms. MOLLY➖💣💣💣 ➖The BADDEST ➖💣💣💣➖Is Here for UPSCALE FUN➖💞💖💞➖ Call me - 26