Mon 27 Jan
••• $pringfield's #1 playmate .. Everything your looking for, & SOO Much more.. 417-619-5439 - 25
(Springfield, fairground area)
💄💢❤💢 (( SINFULLY SEXY ))💄💢❤💢 (( TOE CURLING SKILLS )) 💄💢❤💢 ((CALL NOW))💄💢❤💢 - 25
(Springfield, Springfield ,surr areas)
🌺🌹🌹NEW NUMBER.. Sexxy ...Classy n Funn! 😘..Let me show u something Brand new....Specials! 🌺🌹🌹 - 25
(Springfield, spfld)
mIsS hOnEy iS bAcK!! ReDDhOtt! $80 in/ OuT cAll * $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
I Love What I Do Let Me Show You($75 specials) - 22
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
Extremely $kILlEd $WeeT n $LIPPERY 100% REAL F R E A K Y **80$hh**$pecials** - 31
(Outcall specials, Springfield)
.*.*~Hey guys call me to make your dreams come true no matter what it takes~.*.* - 22
(Springfield, springfield mo. and surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
♥==> *FLW* ~HIGHLY REVIEWED~ SeXy *NaTuRaL RedHead* "FiRe" w/ Booty(_!_)
(Springfield, FLW/St Robert(incall))
Sat 11 Jan
Beautiful bunny 🐰 💓 Soft & Sweet😇 - 26
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, New in town, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
Ready 2 have some fun♡♡♡♡..... - 26
(SE Missouri, Springfield, Springfield and Branson surrounding area, St. Louis)
📕📕📕📕📕 ░░░ ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉📕 📕📕📕 Every Visit Is A Dream Come True 📕📕📕📕▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉░░░ - 24
(sprinfield, Springfield)
X-Rα†εd Ho††¡ε 💦uℓtiℳαtε PLaYMaTE 💦★αvαiℓabℓε N0W ➜ summer specials 🌞 - 28
(Incall SPECIALS Outcalls AVAILABLE, Springfield)
I'm In NKC $80 INCALL SPECIAL Life is a lot more fun WITH Miss ANNA Banana!! call now 816-372-1257 - 22
Fri 10 Jan
💋💋💋💋💋💋 100% Mature Sexy White WOMAN 💋💋 OUTCALLS ONLY To UpScale & Nice Hotels 💋💋💋💋 WELL Reviewed & ViDeO 100% ReaL & SaFe 💋💋💋💋💋 - 38
(Kansas City, Kansas City,MO-OVERLAND Park,KS)
2 BaD BaRbIeS Wh0 ArE INT0 EaÇhø†HeR!! 2 CoLLeGe CuTieS WiTh ToNeD B00TIĒS ★ GooD EnOuGh 4 MoViEs;) - 22
(Springfield, Springfield republic)
[[ WeLL ReViEWeD]] UnFoRGeTTaBLe BruNeTTe HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs & a SeNSaUL ToUCH! - 28
(Springfield, S. SPRINGFIELD IN/OUTCALLS 24/7)
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, Online)
★ Beautiful 3bony Queen ★ Very NASTY And Kinky ★ & LOvely on The Eyes ★ - 21
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D_____ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E ) - - 33
Thu 09 Jan
*sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy * 100 iN sPeCiAL - 28
(Springfield, N Springfield Incall/Outcalls)
☆★A BEAUTY upscale ♡♥ lovable sexy and the FREAKIEST** your EROTiC enjoyment - 24
(St. Louis, outs /incal)
☆$wEEt@$eXy eXoTiC hOttiE☆@m@ziNg cUrVe$♥& @BaNgiN @$$ bOdY♥→ WkEnD $pecialz aVaiLNOW!← - 28
(Springfield, SFLD&surr;☆→iN/oUtCaLL$←AVAIL NOW!)
100% Rεaℓ 🍒100% ¡nðεpεnðεn† Ju§T ฬhat Ÿⓞu'v€ ßeen Wa¡tng For Ava¡lable all Nite!. - 25
(Springfield, $pringfield, mo Call me now)
*~CASSIDY CANE*~ $225 Special!! Avail THURS 6/24 Only!!! Established Provider & Well Reviewed!!!
Wed 08 Jan
Bedroom Eyes ^° Thick Thighs °^ Freaky Side ^° Come Enjoy the Ride... - 23
(Springfield, Incalls and out)
>>> *ATTN FLW: Highly Reviewed ♥NaTuRaL RedHead♥w/ BOOTY-Last Nite*
(Springfield, FLW/St Robert(Incall))
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, 1)
**** Back n Ready .. R u ? •••• Funn.. Classy n Sexxy .Luvs to Play!! **** Specials! - 27
(Springfield, spfld)
Tue 07 Jan
🌟🌟🌟 Ready to play..are you?? 🌟🌟🌟 - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, everywhere)
♥ 4172349241 °*L()()K*° ▌▌▌▌▌♥ ▌▌▌▌♥ ▌▌▌▌▌ßeautïful Jessie May▌▌▌♥ ▌▌▌▌▌♥ ▌▌▌▌▌♥ ▌▌▌▌▌L♡♡K - 20
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD MO ♥♡♥ i am the ßest)
YOUR gonna LOVE this ❤ ▄ ❤ EVERYTHING you've been looking for❤ ▄ ❤ - 27
(Springfield, Springfield Only in-out)
ð I know how to work it!!! 160 hour until 10pm ()()() You Wîll Love M€ Baby!! :-) Passionate + Playf - 26
(Springfield, 200 hour 130 half hour)
Mon 06 Jan
Wait ready set go its lilly im back ask about specials !😘☺ - 19
(Springfield, Springfield and Branson mo)
TrUe BeAuT!FuL BlOnDe BaBe ***** ****** 80 S-P-E-C-I-@-L-S beFoRe 5 *** Delicous 2!5 - 23
(Springfield, SouthSide!!!!)
:* StUnNiNg :* *BeAuTiFuL * ★☆ sO SExY★ ☆*: Specials Allnite - 22
(Springfield, springfield & surr areas)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
^~♥~^~ TOUCH IT, FEEL IT, BRING IT BABE...!!! ~^~♥~^ ONE NITE ONLY!!! - 29
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)